Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Quick Couple of Notes About Scotland

-Chips are called crisps

-French fries are called chips

-Pants refers to underwear

-Trousers refers to pants

-When dancing, there is no grinding

-there are no Lay's. Here they're called Walker's

-the weather is similar to Norman in that, if you don't like it, wait 5 minutes

-it never pours here, only drizzles

-there are 1 and 2 pound coins. This is quite annoying

-another way of saying pound is quid. As in, that costs 5 quid

-Mormon missionaries really are all over the world. I met some today

-I must resist the urge to take pictures of people in kilts

-Everyone knows where California is. Hardly anyone knows where Oklahoma is.

-it is important to distinguish between American football and football (soccer)

-Cheers is another way of saying thanks or goodbye

-People end text messages with an X. It's a friendly gesture. Sometimes, you'll do two or more Xs.

I gotta run! A real blog post is coming soon to a computer near you.

Cheers. X.


  1. Wow!!! You sound like you are already becoming very Scottishly aware. Love you!!!

  2. Hi Whit!! I remember when I was in Edinburough (spelling?) how unusual the accent was and how hard it was to understand. It does get easier, eventually. I am gonna love reading about your interesting and fun experiences in Scotland! Bet even those English girls will be donning jackets soon!

    Can't wait for pics! I just remember the huge expanses of kelly green with sheep dotting the landscape. So beautiful.

    Stay safe and ENJOY!
    Aunt Eggie

    P.S. and of course the burning question is..... do the men really wear nothing under those kilts?
